Articles By This Author

Inverted Pendulum Cart system model – state space and transfer function

In this post, we have derived the equations of motion for an inverted pendulum cart system. equations of motion: This was our first step in the process. Now, we are moving on to the next step, which is to model the system using state space and transfer function approaches. State space representation:  Let’s start with […]

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Equations of Motion for an Inverted Pendulum Cart System

Welcome to my blog post delving into the Fascinating Field of Control. ،Today we have a fascinating opportunity to investigate the complexities of the inverted pendulum cart system. While you may not realize it, this system is found in many different places and has been used for lots of high-tech inventions, from aerospace and missile […]

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Pyomo 1: largest rectangle inside a circle

Hi there, welcome! Today, we’re going to dive into a fascinating optimization problem called “Largest Rectangle Inside a Circle.” Our goal is to find the largest possible rectangle that can fit entirely inside a given circle. It may sound simple at first, but as we explore this problem, you’ll discover the intricacies and insights it […]

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Pyomo Solvers: Short introduction

As you know, Pyomo acts as a bridge between the problem formulation and the solvers. It provides a convenient and intuitive modeling language for users to define their optimization problems using mathematical equations, variables, constraints, and objectives. Once the problem is formulated in Pyomo, it is passed on to the solvers. Pyomo transforms the mathematical […]

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Pyomo 0: Installation & Conda Environment Setup

To begin your programming journey, we’ll install Python using Conda for seamless package management and effortless environment setup. You can simply skip this part if you are not fan of anaconda platform history and its pros Using Anaconda/Miniconda as your Python distribution provides numerous benefits for working with Python. Firstly, Anaconda/Miniconda simplifies package management by […]

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Why i started this journey?

Hey there! I’m Sam Saberi, a passionate individual with a love for control systems, programming, and optimization. Originally from Iran and now residing in the United States, I hold a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Throughout my journey, I’ve realized that many tutorials on optimization fall short of providing clear, practical examples. This often leaves students […]

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